9 Easy Home Updates for the Budget Conscious

Thinking about what you can do to spruce up your home…without shelling out tens of thousands of dollars? Let’s face...

Real Estate Term of the Week

Assessed Value: An assessed value is the dollar value assigned to a property to measure applicable taxes. In general, the...

What’s the Difference Between Assessed Value and Market Value?

Buyers and sellers are often confused between assessed value and market value. What is the difference? Many sellers and buyers...

Real Estate Term of the Week

Right of First Refusal: A provision in an agreement that requires the owner of a property to give another party...

Does it Makes Sense to Convert Your Rental Property into an Airbnb Unit?

Just as Uber is changing the car transportation business model, Airbnb is changing the way people book their travel for...

Real Estate Term of the Week

HECM: Stands for Home Equity Conversion Mortgage. This is another term for a reverse mortgage. These loans are insured by...

What Is a Reverse Mortgage and How Does It Work?

A reverse mortgage is a type of loan that allows people age 62 or older to convert part of the...

Real Estate Term of the Week

Months of Inventory: An estimate of the amount of time it would take to sell all of the current listings...

Buyer’s Guide to Surviving a Seller’s Market

January 2017 – The market is crazy right now for anyone buying a home under $350,000. There are currently more...

Real Estate Term of the Week

Assessed Value: The valuation placed on property by a public tax assessor for purposes of taxation....

6 Things That Turn Off Buyers During Showings

We all know that things like dated kitchens, funky wallpaper, or lack of an on-suite bathroom can turn away buyers...

Real Estate Term of the Week

Co-signing a Loan: The act of signing for another person’s debt which involves a legal obligation made by the co-signer...