Why Aren’t Builders Building More in a Housing Shortage Era?

As buyers fiercely compete with other buyers among a smaller inventory of homes, you might wonder, why aren’t more new...

Real Estate Term of the Week

Safe Withdrawal Rate: A safe withdrawal rate is used for retirement planning and estimates the amount you can spend each...

Is Downsizing Right for Me When I Retire?

One of the many decisions to make when you retire is what lifestyle to choose. Factors such as having too...

Real Estate Term of the Week

Bumpable: When a home is listed as “bumpable,” the seller has already received an offer from a buyer. However, the...

How To Know You’ve Found the Right Home

Searching for a new home is often full of second-guessing and weighing all the pros and cons. After all, this...

Real Estate Term of the Week

Credit Utilization: The percentage of a consumer’s available credit that he or she has used. The credit utilization ratio is...

How Do I Improve My Credit Score to Qualify for a Home Loan?

Perhaps the most critical piece of buying a home is having your finances in order. Most people require a loan...

Real Estate Term of the Week

Escrow: A neutral third party or attorney that handles the exchange of money and documents once mutual acceptance is reached...

Home Selling Tips for Summer

It’s the time of year when “for sale” signs pop up in home owners’ yards as fast as the grass...

Real Estate Term of the Week

Lien: A legal claim on a property granting the holder a specified amount of money upon the sale of the...

Items You Must Review on a Title Report

Getting a title report early on in the home buying process helps ensure both buyers and real estate professionals can...

Real Estate Term of the Week

Home Energy Audit: Is also known as a home energy assessment and is the first step to assess how much...